International Journal of Electrical and Electronic Engineering & Telecommunications

IJEETC is a scholarly peer-reviewed international scientific journal, focusing on theories, systems, methods, algorithms, and applications in electrical and electronic engineering & telecommunications. It provides a high profile, leading edge forum for academic researchers, industrial professionals, engineers, consultants, managers, educators and policymakers working in the field to contribute and disseminate innovative new work on Electrical and Electronic Engineering & Telecommunications. All papers will be blind reviewed and accepted papers will be published in online version. 

Latest Articles

01Enhancing of Features for Road Crack Image Using EEcGANs
Amal Mohammed Jaber and Farah Abbas Obaid Sari
03Development of a Discrete-Time Map for Nonlinear Analysis of Flyback Converter
David E. Giraldo-Hernández, Mario A. Bolaños-Navarrete, Fabiola Angulo, Gustavo Osorio, Nicols Astaiza, Juan David Mina-Casaran, and Wilder Herrera
04An Unsupervised Approach to Enhance Cyber Resiliency of Power Systems Against False Data Injection Attacks on Voltage Stability
Shahriar Rahman Fahim, Rachad Atat, Abdulrahman Takiddin, Muhammad Ismail, Katherine R. Davis, and Erchin Serpedin
05DDoS Attack Detection Using Machine Learning and Improved Clustering Algorithm
Fatima R. Hamade, Marwah Habiban, and Ali Abdulkarem Habib Alrammahi

Featured Articles

02Towards Efficient Energy Solutions: MCDA-Driven Selection of Hybrid Renewable Energy Systems
Vasupalli Manoj, Ramana Pilla, Y. Narendra Kumar, Chetna Sinha, Somarouthu V. G. V. A. Prasad, M. Kalyan Chakravarthi, and Krishna Koushik Bhogi
05An Approach to Inline Monitoring of the Electrode State in Resistance Spot Welding
Samiha Durnagöz, Marco F. Huber, Mathias Mayer, and Peter Reimann
06Low Loss THz Waveguides and Its Potentials towards 6G Communication: A Brief Chronicle Review
Arslan Ahmed Sohoo, Fauziahanim Che Seman, Yee See Khee, Noor Azura Awang, and Izhar Ahmed Sohu


Can I submit an abstract?
The journal publishes full research papers. So only full paper submission should be considered for possible publication. 

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